The Sages series from Canticle Road follows the adventures of owl cousins, Serenity and Seymour Sage as they learn about life from a diverse and delightful cast of wise owl relatives. Although the main characters in this series are owls, they are loosely based on people who have empowered humanity through the ages and changed our world for the better. Each book will engage children in a meaningful story that will open their hearts, minds and spirits to the wisdom of the ages.
Book an interactive story time visit with author Karen Muensterman and Illustrator, Cathy Hoffmann, for your daycare, preschool, or grades K-2 students! Karen is also happy to speak with groups of parents or educators about creative ways to engage children in stories. All author visits are free in the Evansville, Indiana and surrounding tri-state area. Travel expenses may be charged for other locations.
Book a VisitEncouraging children's books inspired by Bible Stories
Learn MoreEmail us with your questions and comments or to inquire about booking a children's story time presentation or speaking engagement.