A Real Life Story in a Jar

A Real Life Story in a Jar

The inspiration for putting a story in a jar came from the true story of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The Dead Sea Scrolls were Biblical manuscripts in earthenware jars which were hidden for centuries in Qumran caves near the northern shore of the Dead Sea.  The scrolls were eventually discovered by Bedouin shepherds some time around 1947. Our first book, Finding the Story of God was inspired by this discovery!

The purpose of Story Jars

What could be more intriguing than a story that comes out of a jar? Story jars  spark children's curiosity, capture their attention and engage their senses in the story.

What goes into the Story Jar?

Anything that is relevant to the story and will fit in the jar! Put in things that have scents, textures, shapes, colors, sounds  & tastes. One of the great things about using a Story Jar during story time is that grown-ups can be creative, use their own insights, and have fun coming up with ideas and gathering objects for the jar. 

We suggest and encourage gathering things from nature and using regular household and classroom items whenever possible to help children connect the sacred with the ordinary and instill a reverence for the natural world and everyday life. 

Our Story Lesson Kits provide suggestions for what to place in the jar for each story as well as printable story characters and pieces you can add to the jar.  Instructions for accompanying crafts, games and sensory activities that will extend the story and help children relate to it are also included. You can learn more about our Story Lesson Kits here.

Where do I get a Story Jar?

We have a limited supply of handcrafted Story Jars in our online shop, but you can Indulge your creative, crafty side by easily make your own story jar using the instructions provided here. Please note that Story Jars are intended for adult use for story telling and are not intended to be a toy.

Can story jars be used for any kind of children's story?

Of course!  Although Story Jars were created to be used as a way to set sacred stories apart and make them unique, they can be used to engage children in any kind of story. That's why they make great gifts for anyone lucky enough (and brave enough) to work with young children!

Here a click, there a click, everywhere a click, click...
Click here for instructions for how to make your own story jar (pdf) (video)
Click here to view a short video demonstrating how to use a story jar (2 minutes)
Click here to learn more about Story Jar Lesson Kits
Click here to subscribe to our emails and get the chance to win a Story Jar