Bonus Poem

March 01, 2024 3 Comments

Bonus Poem

(This poem is free for all who appreciate the value of free things.  For everyone else, please pay $1.00 per line to ensure your enjoyment.)

Look at that tree. 
It gives shade to all beings that wander beneath its branches.
It doesn’t pick and choose
which one deserves the shade and which one doesn’t. 

Look at that blackberry bush. 
It gives blackberries to any fool who comes along to pick them.
There is not a bush on earth
that withholds its fruit from the unworthy.

Look at that stream.  It gives water to the rich and the poor,
the sinner and the saint,
any amount of water they want;
all the water it has.

Look at those flowers,
giving away scent like bottles of spilled perfume;
like free samples at a cosmetic counter,
never even thinking of profit.

Can the breeze that blows on you withhold its breath from me?

There are People who think god is like People
picking and choosing, weighing and judging,
blessing and disdaining,
loving and rejecting.

But I say God is like these.
Like a tree that can’t withhold shade,
like a bush that can’t withhold fruit,
like a stream that can’t withhold water,
God cannot withhold love.

God never thinks of profit,
but there are many who think to profit from god.
They ration the sacraments and limit the blessings.
They call dibs on the altar.
And when the pews in their churches are empty,
they will wail and wonder
why everyone is outside. 

3 Responses

Deb Velders
Deb Velders

February 24, 2021

This poem speaks directly to my heart. So beautifully put. Comes at a heavy decision time just perfectly. I am grateful.
Thank you for sharing.

Mindy McDurmon
Mindy McDurmon

February 19, 2021

That is beautiful and so relatable. It helps give me a way of explaining God’s love to my children! And a healthier way than thinking I have to grovel to get in to heaven!!
Did you write that Karen?!

Julie Barter
Julie Barter

February 18, 2021

This speaks to me as I have often said: God is unconditional love and he does not pick and choose favorites. He loves each of us unconditionally. It is humankind that puts limits and conditions and then professes that is what God says and what he does. Most human minds are too small to truly grasp the concept of true unconditional love. Thank you for sharing.

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