To Love God

March 01, 2024 2 Comments

To Love God


To love God

is to love the newness of Now

to exhilarate in the no-one-knows-how

to marvel at mountains and faces and tails,

rivers and eyebrows and feathers and scales.


To love God

is to travel the spaces between

we, me and you -- and us, they and them,

knowing that both here and there

are just scenic pauses in one Everywhere.


To love God

is to call all small things by name

while seeking the infinite nameless “I Am”

at rest in the gap between different and same,

undisturbed by the organized notions of man.


To love God

is to know that what appears to be broken

is a coveted invitation to open - 

that a wound is tear that lets in the light

and wakens the sleeper from blindness to sight.


To love God

is to bless the was-ness of Is,

and to meet the will-be with a welcoming kiss -

to dance to the music that no one composes

holding hands in a circle that never quite closes.


2 Responses

Randy Bauer
Randy Bauer

March 27, 2021

Karen, I read this often and it opens myself to the mystery and the paradox of God. We humans want to know God, but God isn’t to be known. We can only experience Him thru creation, and hope, and love. This poem takes me past the knowing to the unknowing.

Mindy McDurmon
Mindy McDurmon

March 25, 2021

Just read this for third time and it grows on me, and in me, more each time!!

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